
INMAT and Local Academy Committee

InMAT Board of Governance

InMAT is governed by a trust board made up of trustees who are also known as non-executive directors. Trustees are appointed by the Members of the trust or are co-opted onto the board. They have a wide variety of skills and experience and work to ensure children are always put first, in line with our vision and values. You can find out more about the work of the trust board and the trustees here. 

Governors at Kingsley Primary School

We are very proud to be associated with Kingsley and feel that the school is a safe, happy and dynamic learning environment for our pupils and their families.

The role of the Governing Body is to:

  • monitor the delivery of the National Curriculum and the quality of teaching and learning
  • ensure good provision for Special Needs and vulnerable children
  • act as a critical friend to the Head Teacher by providing support and challenge
  • facilitate staff recruitment
  • monitor and facilitate the physical environment of the school, health and safety at school and access to the school
  • develop, implement and review school policies

Please see our photos on the board in the school entrance.

Please see the link below for information about the INMAT Governors

Governors at Kingsley

The local academy committee (LAC) acts as a committee of the trust board at local level. Governors are people with a passion for education who have a connection to the school and who want to make a positive contribution to the pupil experience. Governors must be over the age of 18.

The work of the LAC is governed by the trust scheme of delegation which you can find here .

Governors meet termly. They offer challenge and support to the head teacher, set strategic direction, and monitor and evaluate school performance. They also monitor safeguarding arrangements and are the local link for parents and others in the local community.

If you are interested in exploring the role of school governor, please email

We are grateful to our Local Academy Committee

  • Kay Roberts - Chair of Governors - 
  • Phil Moynihan – Vice-Chair of Governors
  • Liam Cox – Executive Headteacher
  • Tom Griffiths – Head of School
  • Minaxi Patel - Parent Govenor
  • Jenna Cox – Staff Governor
  • Abbi Williams - Co-Opted Govenor
  • Paul Osbourne - Co-Opted Govenor

The Clerk to the Governors is Maria Page -

The LAC will meet 6 times a year.